From: Exit News
Kosovo’s Electricity Transmission System Becomes Independent from Serbia

Kosovo’s energy transmission operator is set to become independent from the regulatory block controlled by Serbia, after the European network of operators voted to establish a connection with it.

On Monday, 22 of the 42 operators of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) voted in favor of a connection agreement with the Kosovo Transmission System Operator (KOSTT).

This means that Kosovo doesn’t have to rely on Serbia-controlled regulatory block, of which it has been part of so far, consisting of Serbia, Montenegro and North Macedonia.

Kosovo hasn’t been unable to join ENTSO-E for many years, as a result of Serbia’s lobbying against the country’s membership in international organizations.

The ENTSO-E vote also opens the way for Kosovo and Albania to create a common energy bloc, following the agreement signed in December 2019.

Albania and Kosovo will now be able to exchange energy reserves, which is expected to result in €4 million in savings per year for Kosovo.