From: Die Morina van Uijtregt
Kosovo’s Outgoing PM Warns Reciprocity If Serbia Imposes Measures

The outgoing Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdullah Hoti, warned on Monday that if the dialogue process with Serbia does not end with a final agreement for mutual recognition, Kosovo will implement all measures of reciprocity with Serbia.

“All without exception, all the measures that Serbia imposes to us, we have the right and we will impose towards Serbia”, Hoti said after a meeting with representatives of the Albanians of the Presevo Valley.

However, Hoti said that he believes that with there will be no need to apply these extreme measures, because according to him, with the involvement of international partners progress is being made every day towards a final agreement with Serbia.

These comments from the outgoing Prime Minister, Avdullah Hoti came as an answer to the question on how Kosovo would act if Serbia was to prevent them from sending Albanian-language books to the Presevo Valley, as planned by Kosovo’s institutions for this year.

The representatives of Presevo Valley were invited in the meeting to discuss the working program of the Office for Presevo Valley, established by Kosovo’s Government.

Hoti said that during January there will be meetings with non-governmental organizations and media from Presevo Valley, while for February he announced that of study of the social and economic situation of the Albanians there, will begin.

Serbia’s Presevo Valley located on the border with Kosovo and comprises of the Municipalities of Presevo and Bujanoc where the majority of the population is Albanian. Also politically, Medvegja Municipality is part of the Valley.

In December, Albania and Kosovo signed several agreements, aiming to improve cooperation between Albanians from Kosovo, Albania, Montenegro and the Presevo Valley.

Agreements were signed by the now-former Deputy Minister for Europe Foreign Affairs of Albania, Gent Cakaj, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo, Meliza Haradinaj- Stublla and a representative of Albanian- majority Presevo Valley.

“Now we have started a diplomatic action to increase the international sensitivity on the issue of Albanians in the Presevo Valley,” Cakaj said in December.