Last Batch of EU Pfizer Doses Arrives in Albania Bringing Total to 150,000

Yesterday,  Albania received the last batch of EU-funded Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, facilitated by Austria.

These deliveries had been coming weekly over the last few months in order to boost Albania’s vaccination rollout. Some 150,000 vaccines were delivered in total.

The EU said they will continue to help Albania deal with COVID-19 and encouraged people to take the vaccine. They also reminded people that taking the vaccine is more effective than getting infected and sick.

EU Ambassador to Albania, Luigi Soreca tweeted that he’s proud that the original delivery plan was stuck to. He also called on citizens and residents to take the vaccine.

The number of COVID-19 cases in Albania is rising quickly, similarly in neighboring Kosovo. Figures of vaccinated people have plateaued and lost the momentum that was observed at the beginning of the vaccination process. This is due to the proliferation of fake news on social media and the medial, as well as a lack of coordinated information campaigns by the government to reassure citizens that vaccines are safe.