From: Exit Staff
More than 1000 Dead in New York from Coronavirus

The number of victims of Coronavirus in New York has surpassed 1000, just one month after the first case was diagnosed. 

In 24 hours, some 237 people died in New York alone and Governor Andre Cuomo urged citizens to follow preventative measures. The Mayor of New York Bill de Blasio has asked the federal government to send another 400 ventilators to city hospitals by Wednesday.

There are currently over 140,000 cases nationwide with almost 3000 in a critical condition.

Over 1400,000 Americans have tested positive with Coronavirus and more than 2500 have died.

President Donald Trump, who recently said the virus would disappear one day like a miracle and referred to it as a “hoax” has now said “the highest peak of the death rate is likely to occur within two weeks”. He also extended preventative restrictions until April 30.

Dr Anthony Fauci, a leading US government infectious diseases expert said that the virus could kill up to “200,000 Americans.”