Not Enough Flu Vaccines in Albania, WHO, UNICEF, and Government Doesn’t Clarify

The Albanian Order of Pharmacists has claimed that only 9500 influenza vaccines have been imported to Albania for public use, a figure that the National Drug Agency disputes.

“In relation to the issue of influenza vaccines, the Order stands by the statement made that only 9500 vaccines have been provided with authorization for the open market.”

The National Drug Agency said that about 34,500 vaccines have been imported and that the government received 368,000 doses of the vaccination for state use.

As Exit has previously reported, while the number of influenza vaccines brought by the government is higher than previous years, there are not enough to cover those deemed as high risk and in need of vaccination by the Ministry of Health.

Furthermore, the vaxigrip flu vaccine is still not widely available in pharmacies for members of the public to buy. Exit visited a number of local pharmacies who said they still could not get it, despite being promised it would be imported soon.

Some had resorted to buying it in other countries and importing it themselves, in order to offer the vaccine to family, friends, and regular customers.

The only widely available flu vaccine is influvac, distributed by Megapharma through their Orange Pharmacies. They were recently fined by the Competition Authority for monopolising the vaccine and only offering it in their stores.

It is not known why there is such a delay in importing vaxigrip, the preferred vaccine according to the majority of pharmacists Exit spoke to.

Exit contacted the National Drug Agency with questions relating to why there was a delay in vaxigrip being imported. They responded by saying they would revert with “the answers from experts” but no answer came, despite a follow-up email.

Exit also contacted the Ministry of Health and Institute of Public Health with questions about the flu vaccine given by the state. This vaccine was made in Korea by GC Pharma.  Both institutions referred questions to the WHO and UNICEF in Albania who procured the vaccines on behalf of the government.

Questions were sent to both IGOs who confirmed they would answer as soon as possible, and then never did, despite follow up emails.

It is not known why vaxigrip is not being imported when it will be here, and why both the government and IGOs do not want to answer questions on anything related to the influenza vaccine.