ONM Reviewing KPK Commissioner Zhegu’s Conflict of Interest

Yesterday, media outlet Boldnews published several documents related to a potential conflict of interest of KPK Commissioner Suela Zhegu, who is part of the vetting commission of High Court judge Edmond Islamaj, who was a relator in a case against Zhegu’s husband.

Exit inquired with the International Monitoring Operation (ONM) whether they we aware of the issue, to which they responded positively. The ONM further stated in response to questions of Exit that:

The observers are reviewing the matter, along with the other substantial and procedural issues of the case.

Every possible conflict of interest case has specific features and it is therefore not possible to express in advance a view on a potential future conflict, except that any potential conflict of interest will be reviewed thoroughly by the International Observers in the interest of the independence and impartiality of the vetting process.