From: Exit News
Opposition LDK Won Highest Number of Votes during First Round of Kosovo Local Elections

The Central Election Commission of Kosovo has announced the final official results of the October 17 local elections.

About 798 thousand (42,74 percent) of 1,86 million eligible voters cast their vote on October 17.

Results from the first round showed that the opposition Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) won 4 municipalities, Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) won 2 municipalities, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) got 2 municipalities, and the Serbian List won 9 municipalities.

On November 14, the top two highest voted candidates will compete in runoff elections in 21 of Kosovo’s 38 municipalities. 

LDK received the most votes in this first round, with 170,177 in total. It was followed by the ruling Vetevendosje, with 167,519 votes, PDK with 161,283 votes, and AAK with 90,708 votes.

Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s Vetevendosje was unable to win any municipalities in the first round but leads the race in several of the remaining 21 municipalities that will be decided on November 14.