Opposition Proposes Vetting Politicians

Today, leader of the Democratic Party Lulzim Basha announced the main objectives of the opposition’s campaign to rid the country of its criminal governance.

Speaking at an opposition meeting in Elbasan, Basha said that the main pillars of the opposition’s platform will be:

  1. Full decriminalization of politics via vetting for politicians connected to crime
  2. Releasing the judiciary from the political hold of Edi Rama and his cooperation with crime
  3. Free, honest, and democratic elections, with citizens being the ones who decide
  4. A monopoly-free, oligarch-free, and governmental-corruption-free economy made to serve the well-being of citizens.

According to the opposition leader, the novelty in this platform consists of vetting for politicians, as it is currently being exercised for judges, prosecutors, and police officers.

Basha declared:

We have decided to put an end to a political elite connected to crime, and to drive crime-adjacent politicians, first out of our institutions, and then bring them to justice: a reformed justice, instead of a captured one.

To achieve this, PD will propose several constitutional amendments that would start the process of reassessment of politicians’ and high officials’ backgrounds and wealth.