From: Exit Staff
Over Half of Albanian Doctors Have Experienced Physical or Psychological Violence

50 per cent of doctors in Albania have experienced physical or verbal violence at work. 69 of them have been unable to work as a result of physical and psychological violence.

These were the results of a survey conducted by the Doctor’s Order for the year 2018. It shows worrying levels of violence and abuse against medical staff in the country. The survey “Violence Against Doctors” analysed responses from some 1000 doctors and recorded both verbal and physical abuse.

Exit brings you the main findings of the survey:

  • 119 doctors, or about 12 per cent of the total, have experienced physical violence due to the profession.
  • 381 doctors, or 38 per cent of the total, have experienced verbal violence due to the profession.
  • 211 doctors, or 21 per cent of the total, had injuries from the violence: 28 doctors reported serious injuries, 69 doctors were unable to work and 114 of them reported other concerns.

According to the Order of the Doctor and its chairman Fatmir Brahimaj, the difficulty of the work of doctors through physical or verbal violence greatly affects the way they treat their patients. Many doctors say that insecurity at work has made them lose the desire to continue in their profession with some even leaving because of it.