Even though the majority of opposition MPs have resigned from their mandates, there is still an opposition in Parliament, consisting of members of the LSI, PDIU, and the PD, even though the latter ones have been expelled from the party.
Nevertheless, Speaker of Parliament Gramoz Ruçi has decided, in an unprecedented move, to “close” the proceedings to evaluate several laws proposed by former opposition MPs. Neither the Parliamentary Regulations nor any other law contains provisions to reject a draft law, deposited in Parliament, based on the absence of the original MP(s) that proposed it. Parliament didn’t formally vote on closing the draft laws.
The draft laws that have been closed include the eagerly expected Youth Law, which has been drafted after two years of consultations with civil society organizations and would present a major improvement of the state’s youth policies; a proposal of the LSI to create an Emergency Fund for Higher Education; and a draft law concerning Electoral Reform that was under evaluation by the Special Commission on Electoral Reform, proposed by the leaders of the smaller opposition parties incorporated into the PD parliamentary group after the 2017 national elections.
The unilateral action of the Socialist majority further lowers the chances of the opposition returning to Parliament, as still wished by the internationals.