PD to Block National Roads

As announced last week, opposition protestors today will block the main national arteries in Albania between 11:00 and 12:00. Oppozition leader Lulzim Basha has called upon the protestors to remain peaceful:

There has not been and there won’t be violence in the protests of the united opposition and the citizens of the New Republic! Violence is a feature of moral weakness, violence is a distinguishing feature of cowards that hide behind the facade. Men and women in uniform, which share the same worries as the Albanians, and which are abused in the most miserable, criminal way by this government, need to know that tomorrow the united citizens, with their complete blockade of national transport between 11:00 and 12:00, protest also for their rights.

The opposition has announced five road blocks:

  • Roundabout near Milot, blocking entrance to the Rruga e Kombit and to/from Shkodra;
  • Roundabout near Bradashesh, blocking the Tirana–Elbasan highway;
  • Roundabout near Plug, blocking traffic to/ from the south;
  • Roundabout near Dogana, blocking traffic between Tirana and Durrës and the airport;
  • Intersection near Teknologjiku, blocking traffic between Tirana and Kavaja;

Meanwhile, the police has been ordered not to allow the road blocks. In a press conference, Altin Qato, Director for Order and Security at the Ministry of Interior called upon citizens not to go on the roads:

Holding protests or other rallies on the main national axes, blocking the movement of people and goods, is a strong threat to public order.

The State Police calls upon all citizens not to take part in this illegal protest that is a great risk for order and security.

The State Police also recalls that holding illegal manifestations can be used by criminal elements for specific aims to create destabilization.

All those that take it upon themselves to follow politicians of any political party to threaten the public order, obstruct the free circulation of people and goods, damaging social coexistence and the business economy, will be confronted with the law.

The Penal Code, in particular art. 262 and 274, sanction high penalties including imprisonment for those citizens that participate in illegal manifestations and/or disrupt the public order and peace.