Prenga Hands In Mandate

Preventing a protracted battle between the General Prosecution and the Central Election Commission (KQZ), former PS Deputy Armando Prenga has today handed in his mandat. By means of a letter sent to Speaker of Parliament Ilir Meta, Prenga explained the reason for his withdrawal:

For my tranquility of my family, I withdraw, today and forever, from the mandate that my voters and the Constitution have invested me with.

He further calls the accusations of the opposition that he has a criminal past of “slander.” Prenga has had several convictions in Italy and Albania, and has used around ten different false names in the past.

The “Prenga case” turned into a hotly debated issue between the KQZ and the General Prosecution, up to the point that the latter filed a criminal lawsuit against the former and confiscated a number of files pertaining to the decriminalization process.

The voluntary surrender of Prenga’s mandate has momentarily diffused the conflict between the KQZ and General Prosecution. The former will no longer be required to take a formal decision in the matter, a decision which it postponed on Saturday.

Because the withdrawal of Prenga happened before the KQZ passed a verdict on his mandate, he can theoretically recandidate himself for the next elections.