Yesterday the Socialist Party organized its National Assembly, during which the ministers of the Rama 2 government presented their objectives for the first 100 days of government.
Minister of Interior Affairs Fatmir Xhafaj
- Preparation of the legal framework for the vetting process in the ranks of the police;
- Enforcing community policing;
- War against organized crime is the key challenge for the entire mandate, first steps will be made;
- Well-organized operation of the State Police in coordination with all state agencies;
- Improvement of the court police;
- Thorough reorganization of the police’s investigation system;
- Establishing special interinstitutional structures to combat illegality;
- Management of the border.
Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Ditmir Bushati
- European integration: there will be definitive decision on the beginning of accession negotiations in 2018;
- In the region, chief priority is the relation with Kosovo, including a plan to turn the Albanian border into a European border and transforming Durrës into the port of Kosovo;
- The creation of a register for the diaspora to register the Albanian living out of the country;
- Focus on economic diplomacy.