Rama Announces the End of Rebirth and the Beginning of the Reconstruction of the Police

During a statement yesterday, Prime Minister Edi Rama announced the “reconstruction” of the police now that the “first phase” of its “rebirth” has finished.

Although it is unclear what this “first phase” actually entailed in terms of improving the functions of the State Police, which has been largely unable to combat organized crime and the cannabization of the country, the Prime Minister announced the “second phase of the war on crime and the reconstruction of the State Police.”

After the rebirth of the State Police and the extermination of cannabis as an epidemic phenomenon we should with the same success clean the ranks of the police from criminal networks through the vetting in the police.

This is the first time that the Prime Minister has publicly accepted the spread of cannabis throughout the territory of Albania as a problem of “epidemic” proportions. In previous months he has often denied this problem.

The police vetting he promised, as already explained by Exit, is in fact legally problematic.

In the same statement, Prime Minister Rama also accepted for the first time publicly that the European Commission will not open accession negotiations this year with Albania, without giving any reason for his sudden change in opinion:

[Let’s work] not only to open the membership negotiations next year by receiving a positive signal from the European Parliament these coming 100 days.