Rama Continues Attacking the Small Ones

After continuous attacks on the LSI and its former chairman Ilir Meta, Prime Minister Rama has turned his attention toward the PBDNj of Vangjel Dule.

During an electoral meeting in Xara, Saranda, part of the electoral zone where Dule won 5.22% of the votes in 2013, Rama asked citizens no longer to vote for him:

How can you give a vote to Vangjel Dule, can you tell me? The fight to unite for human rights went away with rotten results, only Vangjel was left who wants chairs in Parliament. No vote for Vangjel Dule, because it’s a vote for an unmatched blindness.

Vangjel Dule had originally been part of the majority coalition in 2013, but left the government and joined the opposition after Rama invited the PDIU to join the government:

In the 44 months that I was Prime Minister this man [Dule] didn’t come to ask me for a single investment, to ask me for a single solution for a problem of people. He’s only in Parliament to raise ethnic tensions and conflicts, to talk about things that Vangjel has nothing to do with. We cannot continue old stories of parties that win votes and then gather in Tirana to divide the state like baking pan [with byrek].

Attacking smaller opponents rather than his real competitors of the PD has become a hallmark of Rama’s campaigning style.