Rama Introduces Constitutional Novelty, “Co-Governance with Citizens”

Yesterday evening, Prime Minister Edi Rama spoke with journalist Sokol Balla about the June 25 elections and his new cabinet.

Although Prime Minister Rama did not address any possible government coalition, he spoke about a “platform of co-governance,” which would involve Albanian citizens. Part of this “platform” has been the Prime Minister’s post-electoral outreach to his voters to advise him on a government program. In other countries this type of consultation usually happens prior to the elections.

The Albanian Constitution does not provide the legal possibility of citizens actively participating in the government of the country.

I cannot speak about the names for the cabinet of ministers, because we are not in the phase of names. We have established several groups that are dealing with different aspect. I myself am dealing personally with the platform of co-governance. […]

We will collaborate with everyone because for me it is above all important that we further a process in which Albania wins, the Albanians. […]

I believe that today there are the conditions for people to be very close to the government and to be direct actors in co-governance. […]

As regards me, we will extend the hand of collaboration continuously and the politics that we will produce will be a politics of work. […]

We have to strongly mobilize to have the solidity in the three pillars that we’ll hold: in the parliamentary group, in the government, and in the party, and we have to be together with the people.


Not since the PD government of Sali Berisha during 2005–2009 did a single party form a government. For the PS, the last time they ruled alone was under Mustafa Nano, during 2002–2005, before the split off of the LSI.