From: Exit Staff
Rama Refuses MPs Request for Priority COVID-19 Vaccination

MP Enver Roshi has proposed that MPs be vaccinated sooner, but his proposal was rejected by Prime Minister Edi Rama.

During a press conference on Friday, Rama said:

“No MP, no minister, no director, who is not over 75 years old, will get the vaccine earlier.”

Rama himself took the vaccine on Monday.

MP Roshi had submitted the request to the Speaker of the Assembly Gramoz Ruçi.

Roshi’s argument for this request is that due to meetings with the electorate, MPs are exposed to high risk. He asked that they be vaccinated in the second or third group, not alongside doctors and front-line workers.

In a statement to A2, Roshi said his proposal had been in principle. He said that priority in vaccination should be given to doctors, the elderly and teachers.

Roshi is one of the MPs who was affected by Covid-19.