Rama Responds to Meta: Elections on June 18

In his response to Speaker of Parliament Ilir Meta statements of yesterday, Prime Minister Edi Rama repeated on Facebook his declarations that he is ready to sit down with the opposition, but insists that any solution must be “constitutional.”

Dialogue has been and will always remain my first choice and I have been open to any demand or solution that doesn’t threaten the Constitution and doesn’t violate democratic standards.

Our Constitution is very clear – the elections need to be held on June 18.

The Constitution is very clear – the government is the will of the majority.

In other words, Prime Minister Rama continues to refuse the idea of a caretaker government, or as Meta phrased it, a “government of trust,” and refuses to postpone the elections. In both cases he appears to base himself on the Constitution, which, ironically, his government has in the last weeks violated numerous times.

It also remains a question whether his government, even without the support of the LSI, would indeed still express “the will of the majority.”

A few hours later, Rama posted the next episode of ERTV (Edi Rama TV), a show he has been hosting on his Facebook page, in which he meets with “real people.”