The famous mushroom sculpture that previously adorned the lawn outside of Prime Minister Edi Rama’s office which was destroyed during last year’s anti-government protests, has been replaced.
“Giant Triple Mushroom” by artist Carsten Holler had stood proudly, protruding from the earth outside Rama’s window for several years. Over a meter higher and crafted from synthetic resin, wire, putty, and various other substances, the artistic fungi had drawn much criticism and ridicule.
Then, during a large opposition-led protest in February 2018, it was unceremoniously destroyed as protestors surrounded the office.
Rama, lamenting the demise of the mushroom, vowed to replace it and those who were believed to have allegedly aggressively accosted the piece of art found themselves in prison.
But this week, the bulbous mushroom has triumphantly returned to the city’s main boulevard in all its former glory.
Rama took to Facebook enthusiastically to post a video of his new mushroom, advising “those who do not like it” that if they damage it again, another will grow in its place.
MIRËMËNGJES 😊dhe me historinë e KËRPUDHËS, duke iu këshilluar miqësisht atyre që s'e pëlqejnë, të mos e ngacmojnë se rritet më shumë, ju uroj një fundjavë të bukur😀
Gepostet von Edi Rama am Freitag, 24. Juli 2020
The video, something of a cinematic masterpiece in itself, shows the mushroom being erected in place as the afternoon sunlight beats down upon it.