Serious Crimes Appeal Court Judge Kosova To Face Vetting

Serious Crimes Appeals Court judge Nertina Kosova will face the Independent Qualification Commission (KPK) today, as part of her vetting.

The judicial body is comprised of Firdes Shuli, Roland Ilia, and Olsi Komici.

Nertina Kosova is part of a vetting priority list as she is competing for a seat in the High Judicial Council (KLGj).

Kosova began her career as judge in the Elbasan Court, then in the First Instance Court of Serious Crimes, and, from 2014, she serves as a judge in the Serious Crimes Appeals Court.

According to an analysis of her wealth declarations by BIRN, in 2004, the first time the judge declared her wealth, she did not have any assets.

At the end of 2017, Kosova’s wealth was valued at 8.2 million lekë.

Her wealth consists in an apartment in Tirana, valued at 6 million lekë, liquid bank assets valued at 1.7 million lekë and 3.9 million lekë in cash.

Nearly 92% of the judge’s family income is comprised of her wages.

According to BIRN, in her 2006 wealth declaration, the judge declared the purchase of a 6 million lekë apartment with a loan valued at 5 million lekë, however, Kosova’s income could not justify a 600,000 lekë payment.