Shpend Ahmeti Resigns from Vetëvendosja

Shpend Ahmeti has resigned from all his positions in the largest Kosovar opposition party Vetëvendosja. With his resignation comes an end to the career of one of the most prominent figures in the party of the last years.

By means of a public letter, Ahmeti stated the reasons for his departure. He writes:

I do not believe that the organization in the state in which it is today is the fastest road to change, at least not according to my positions and convictions.

I did not join Vetëvendosja to fight each other within the organization, thus strengthening the outdone political class.

Ahmeti expressed his unhappiness and disappointment with the current political situation in Kosovo:

We continue to be led by an incapable political class that is confronted with the challenges of our state. Precisely at the 10 year anniversary of the independence we don’t know how to reflect on what this state could have been if we had managed to change the political guard, not as regards age but mentality.

During the local elections in November 2017, Vetëvendosja won in the largest two municipalities of Kosovo, Prizren and Prishtina, where Ahmeti was reelected as mayor.

In recent months, Vetëvendosja was torn between different factions as a leadership struggle emerged between, leading to the resignation of chairman Visar Ymeti and the return of Albin Kurti as the chairman of the party.