Slow Vetting Pace, KPA Handled Only One-Fourth of Cases

The Special Appeals Chamber (KPA) has ruled on only 27 per cent of the Independent Qualification Commission’s appealed decisions.

The slow pace of the seven KPA members has resulted in 11 rulings out of the 40 cases appealed.

The KPA’s first ruling dates back to June 11th, 2018. Since then, the KPA has held two meetings a month on average. In January, the KPA held only one hearing with Judge Edmond Islamaj, on whom no decision is reached yet.

At current pace, the KPA will need more than 13 months to complete the remaining 29 appeals filed.

Of the 40 appealed rulings, 13 were filed by the Public Commissioners and the remaining 27 by the assessees/magistrates themselves. Overall, 30 per cent of the KPK’s rulings have been appealed to the KPA.

The KPA is currently dealing with the priority list of magistrates, i.e. members of the Constitutional Court, High Court and other new judicial institutions.

Meanwhile the KPA has not started to process rulings appealed by magistrates out of the priority list.