From: Exit News
Spike in COVID-19 Cases Due to Non Compliance with Social Distancing

The rise in cases of COVID-19 in Albania is due to people not respecting safety and hygiene protocols, not an increase in testing. This is according to Minister of Health Ogerta Manastirliu who appeared via live link on TV show ‘Opinion’ last night.

The Minister said that the record increase over the past few days is down to several different factors. These include reopening and non-compliance with social distancing, mask-wearing, and other hygiene measures. She said that the high numbers are not due to more tests being carried out as testing is a consequence done during the epidemiological investigation of existing cases.

She said that over the last week there had been gatherings, family celebrations, funerals and various other events. This is a new reality for Albanians, she said.

Yesterday a total of 69 cases were confirmed in the country, the highest number since the pandemic started in March.