Supreme Court Judge Islamaj Passes Vetting

Today, Supreme Court judge Edmond Islamaj successfully passed his vetting. The Independent Qualification Commission (KPK) comprising Suela Zhegu, Pamela Qirko, and Genta Tafa Bungo stated that they did not find any red flags in his wealth declaration.

Edmond Islamaj has had a long career within the Albanian judiciary system. He began working in 1992, immediately after graduating, in the Durrës Court. Afterwards, from 1993 to 1995 he served as head of the Saranda Court, whereas, from 1998 to 2002, he served as head of the Kavaja Court.

Edmond Islamaj served as head inspector of the Inspectorate of the High Judicial Council, and afterwards, as member of the High Judicial Council (KLD).

In 2011, Islamaj was appointed a member of the High Court, where he is still serving.

According to the analysis of Islamaj’s wealth declarations done by BIRN, Islamaj’s wealth in 2003 was valued at about 1.19 million lekë. In 2015, the judge’s wealth increased by a factor of 9, reaching 11.4 million lekë.

Islamaj’s wealth declarations also include income from the wages of his partner and several places he leases.

In total, about 67% of Islamaj’s family income comes from his wages and bonuses as Supreme Court judge, 25% comes from the wages of his partners, and 6% from leases.

At the conclusion of the analysis, BIRN states that even though the 12 wealth declarations are unproblematic, during the review a few red flags emerged, namely, the lack of a declaration of wealth for Islamaj’s partner in 2005, whose assets consisted of an apartment, a store, and a garage, valued at around 1 million lekë, and a cash savings valued at 8.1 million lekë.