From: Die Morina
The Controversial Aleksandar Vulin is Serbia’s New Minister of Internal Affairs

Aleksandar Vulin is one of the new Serbian Government’s ministers to be appointed as announced on Sunday by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic.

Vulin, who recently was criticized for using a pejorative term towards Kosovo Albanians, was presented as Minister of Internal Affairs.

While in the office of Minister of Defense, issued an official statement on October in which he refers to Kosovo Albanians as “Shiptari” which is used as an insult by Serbians against Albanians. The correct Serbian term for Albanians is “Albanac”.

Amid many reactions, Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama called on Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to condemn Vulin’s statement.

The President of the Albanian National Council in the Presevo Valley, Ragmi Mustafa, has reacted after the proposal of Brnabic on Vulin’s appointment.

“A government whose police minister is proud of publicly insulting national minorities and who constantly nurtures xenophobic and Albanian- phobic discourse, cannot be pro-European,” Mustafa wrote on his Facebook profile.

He added that this is not disguised and embellished with the establishment of ministries for human rights, minorities and social dialogue.

“Such ministers only prove the lack of democratic capacity of institutional Serbia, as a precondition for cooperation and advancement of the rights of national minorities,” he wrote.

Ragmi Mustafa added that the proposal for the minister of Internal Minister confirms the findings of the European Union Progress Report on Serbia “regarding the lack of respect for the fundamental human and minority rights, free expression and the “electoral autocrat” system”.

The new government, led by former Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, will have 21 ministries.

Brnabic will also present her cabinet to the Serbian Parliament on October 28th.