From: Exit Staff
UK Ambassador: Stay in Albania, Don’t Risk Your Life Migrating Illegally

The British Ambassador to Tirana, Alastair King-Smith, has called on Albanians not to flee to the UK, rather to stay and go either via a legal route, or seek work locally.

During a speech to the media, King-Smith warned families already in the Uk that encourage relatives to come illegally, that they are being used by criminal gangs who can force them into organised crime.

“My message to anyone thinking of travelling to the UK illegally is, wait, don’t go now and don’t risk your life! What you are shown on social media is not reality,”  he said.

He added that there is a need for workers in the UK but that Albanians should wait and go via the legal visa route.

“Don’t run away illegally, my message to parents and family members is that criminals and traffickers are exploiting your children and forcing them into the underworld.”

Lastly, he said that those staying behind in areas like Kukes, a region significantly impacted by emigration, can avail themselves of job opportunities through UK-backed employment initiatives.

am in Kukës to start the program “New perspectives for the district of Kukës”. This is our most ambitious initiative in the north of Albania. It will guarantee new skills and employment in the region,”  he said.