White House Meeting Brings New Era for Kosovo and Serbia, Says US Envoy Grenell  

US envoy for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue Richard Grenell has stated that the June 27 meeting at the White House between leaders of the two Balkan countries is an opportunity for them to start a new era of stability and prosperity.

In a statement issued through the US embassy in Pristina, Grenell has once again underlined the economic element of the expected While House talks.

“This White House opportunity opens the door to new economic development and investment. The U.S. hopes leaders in Kosovo and Serbia will seize this chance to return to dialogue and begin a new era of stability and prosperity. The people of this region deserve nothing less,” he stated.

Last week Grenell unexpectedly announced that he had agreed with leaders of both countries to hold a meeting at the White House on June 27. The news caught many by surprise.

The next day, EU envoy Miroslav Lajcak landed in Pristina on a 3-day visit to discuss the conditions to resume the dialogue. Next weeks he will visit Belgrade for the same purpose.