From: Exit Staff
Writer Peter Handke Proclaimed Non Grata by Kosovo Also

Kosovo’s outgoing Minister of Foreign Affairs Behgjet Pacolli declared writer Peter Handke non grata in his country today.

“I have decided to proclaim Peter Handke unwelcome in Kosovo. From today he is non grata in Kosovo. Denying crimes and supporting criminals is a horrible crime,” Pacolli wrote on Facebook.

Few days ago, Pacolli was the first to announce Kosovo’s boycott of the Nobel ceremony, which was later followed by at least 5 more countries.

Earlier today, the regional parliament of Sarajevo also unanimously declared Nobel Literature Prize laureate Peter Handke persona non grata for his support of former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic’s criminal policies in the region.

Yesterday’s Nobel ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden, was boycotted by at least six countries, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, where Serbian forces perpetrated the Srebrenica genocide, brutally murdering 8,372 Bosniak men and boys in 10 days. More than 100 people also demonstrated outside the ceremony venue.