From: Exit Staff
“777 Portraits” Photography Project to Exhibit In Tirana

Albanian photographer David Cuka will hold an exhibition called “777 Portraits”, a part of his “999 Portraits’ project,  at the Centre for Openness and Dialogue in Tirana between 19-25 August.

The project started in September 2019 and to date, the project has yielded 777 portraits of members of the Albanian public.

“The concept is about capturing and immortalizing the image of my fellow contemporaries and of all Albanians. Their face is merely a means to reach into the depths of their soul and discover what beautifies or disturbs their spirit,” David said in a previous interview with Exit.

David wants to confront the past with the present and future, going beyond the surface of society’s problems.

“Maybe many years later when we turn our head back, the #999 Project could be a demographic map of portraits, which will above all carry the social spirit of our current lifestyles,” he adds.

Furthermore, David wants to document the population at a time thousands are leaving the country and corruption and injustice weigh on people’s every day lives.

“I believe that in the decades to come, the people that will see these photographs will comprehend and get a sense of where Albania has been and what’s become of it.”

Photographer Catches Snapshot of Albanian Society Through “#999” Portraits Project