From: Exit Staff
Albanian Political Party Wants All Politicians to be Vetted

Political party Nisma Thurrje has presented 33 draft laws which it intends to send to Parliament.

On Tuesday, two of its representatives, Endri Shabani and Panajot Soko, explained the draft law on the vetting of politicians.

“So far we have seen vetting in the judiciary and in the police, but we have not seen vetting of those who draft and approve laws- politicians. We will ask Parliament to investigate the wealth of politicians, one by one…” they said.

The representatives explained that any politician who cannot justify money and property should have it confiscated and it should go to serve the communities in need. “For 30 years they have taken us and torn us, it is time to hold them accountable”, said Nisma through a post on Facebook.

Some of the other draft laws that Nisma Thurrje have suggested are as follows:

  • Official petition (the right of the people to vote in the work of the parliament, for the parliament to speak about the problems of the citizens)
  • National Assemblies (an idea that comes from democratic countries, the concept of the National Assembly is to resolve national crises)
  • Democratization of Political Parties
  • A jury in the judiciary (to use juries in court cases, using ordinary citizens to make decisions)
  • Competition laws antitrust policies, prohibition of monopolies)
  • National proportional electoral code with open lists (including electronic vote-counting)
  • Independence of the media (breaking the monopolies in the media)