Massive Police Action Discovers a Few Grams of Weed

With a lot of pomp the police declared these days that the forces of the State Police, the Fast Intervention Teams (FNSh) and the special forces of Delta Force are organizing a large police operation under the code name “Fall 2017.” The aim of this large police action is the arrest of criminals and seizing of the illegally acquired assets. Naturally, declarations of the police do not fail to mention that this action was organized by and commanded by Minister of Interior Affairs Fatmir Xhafaj, whose brother is an internationally wanted drug trafficker.

The action follows an announcement of Prime Minister Edi Rama, who on August 30 again declared the war on drugs:

Every luxury car that challenges the law of public safety will have to go through the scan of the executive forces. […] Any asset owned on our territory that is unjustified or is doubted to be unjustified will go through the scan. […] Every dubious business has to go through the scan and all of them will be subjected to a legitimate legal process. […] Every dubious bank account or unjustifiable first impression will go through the scan.

In order to implement the war declared by the government, hundreds of special police forces have mobilized in Elbasan and Vlora especially for this operation, which will spread to the entire country.

The first two days the action has brought the first, impressive results:

  • In Elbasan one person was arrested who was wanted for theft;
  • In Vlora one person was arrested for having several grams of cannabis in possession, possessing an illegal firearm, and €6,000 euros.

While each day tons of cannabis are exported to Italy, gliding under the “malfunctioning” radars of the Interinstitutional Naval Operations Center (QNOD), the Albanian police forces, massively deployed at the order of Minister Xhafaj, manage to find a few grams. This should tell us more than enough.