Police Violently Arrests Peaceful Protesters at Bus Station Park

Yesterday night, the police has arrested four citizens who peacefully protested against the construction work in the Bus Station Park on Kavaja Street in Tirana. Among those arrested is university lecturer and activist Arlind Qori. Several

Environmental activists and neighborhood inhabitants had come together yesterday night to protest against the destruction of the park by an oligarch close to Mayor Erion Veliaj. The blocked part of the street and called upon all citizens of Tirana to join them in their resistance and against the destruction of public space in the city.

Although the municipality already had started preparation for the park’s “renovation” in May, it waited until after the elections to start the actual work, knowing the opposition in the neighborhood against the project.

Meanwhile, also the media landscape of the new PS regime is becoming increasingly visible. With 74 seats in Parliament, Rama and Veliaj do not only control the political system, but also the most of the mainstream media. Except a few online media outlets none of the major televisions and newspapers reported on the protest or the police violence with which it was met.

Video of the protest:

Video of the violent arrest:

The Bus Station Park, with all trees cut and the first signs of construction work: