After the tragic incident in which judge Fildes Hafizi was murdered by her former husband, President Ilir Meta has proposed four legal measures to prevent violence within the family. The proposals were announced on the President’s website:
- The High Judicial Council (KLD) and its Inspectorate […] have to start a procedure to verify the verdict taken by the Court of Kavaja on April 28, 2016, regarding Fadil Kasemi [the former Husband of Hafizi];
- The KLD has to report the procedures that should be followed by the courts in the cases regarding protection orders for victims of family violence;
- During my presidential mandate, I will not extend the right of pardon to any individual for criminal acts in the context of the family;
- Draft laws for amnesty […] in no case should include as those who profit from them people who have committed crimes in the context of the family.
At the end of the statement, the President stated that “it is time to improve the collaboration and action of all institutions with the aim of an exemplary punishment of violence within the family.
Hafizi had never receive the protection order she had requested, and her husband had been released early from prison thanks to an amnesty law of the Rama government.