From: Alice Taylor
Protestors in Beirut Call for Government Resignations Following Deadly Blast

Protestors in Beirut have called for the resignation of the Lebanese government over the deadly blast that killed 157, injured 5000, and left some 300,000 homeless. Numbers are expected to increase as the rescue operation continues as many are still missing.

Yesterday, Lebanese authorities took 16 individuals into custody following an investigation into the explosion that took place in a warehouse in the Beirut port. The Government has given an investigative committee four days to determine who is responsible for the incident.

Residents in the capital are furious with the government and authorities and many are calling for them to go to prison. Protests took place last night and security forces responded by using tear gas to disperse protestors. According to state media, protestors set fires, threw stones, and vandalised stores, prompting the severe response.

The explosion is believed to have been caused by almost 3000 tonnes of ammonium nitrate which caught fire before detonating. The chemicals were seized from Russian ship the MV Rhossus in 2014. The former captain of the ship, Boris Prokoshev said the Lebanese authorities were “very well aware” of the danger posed by the cargo.

Amnesty International has called for an international investigation into the blast to avoid the risk of any political interference in Lebanon.