Constitutional Court Fails to Pass Vetting, Only Two Judges Left

Now that all its members have been vetted, only two officially remain in the Constitutional Court. Today, the Independent Qualification Commission (KPK) dismissed Gani Dizdari, the final Consitutional Court judge that had remained to be vetted. According to the KPK, Dizdari didn’t justify has assets and had contacts with people with criminal precedents. He was therefore dismissed from his function.

Ironically, Dizdari was one of the two members of the Constitutional Court who voted against the vetting law in 2017. The other judge voting against it, Besnik Imeraj, resigned and was not vetted.

Together with Imeraj, also judges Sokol Berberi and Vladimir Kristo resigned. Three others, Fatos Lulo, Altina Xhoxhaj, and Fatmir Hoxha were dismissed by the KPK.

Only Vitore Tusha and Bashkim Dedja managed to pass the vetting and remain members of the Constitutional Court, which will remain dysfunctional for the time being, as the constitutional quorum is not met.

According to the Constitution, the 9 members of the Constitutional Court are elected by the President (3), Parliament (3), and the High Court (3). In all cases, the Justice Appointments Council (KED) proposes a set of candidates. As long as the KED has not been formed due to the vetting of the candidate members, none of the vacancies in the Constitutional Court will be filled and the country will remain without its highest court.